Things I Miss / Things I Could Have Missed


Things I Miss

The communion line at church

Joining my voice with hundreds of others on Sunday mornings

The deep squeezes of people I love

Singing my heart out at concerts

The buzz of coffee shop energy as I work

The voices of little people in my van while carpooling to school

Easy decisions

Obnoxiously loud game nights with friends


Things I Could Have Missed

Conversations with my neighbors

Noticing my youngest son become heavy in my arms

Puppy life

My oldest becoming friends with my youngest

Daily lunch with my husband

Witnessing the daily parking lot prayers at our neighborhood Catholic church

Winter evenings under twinkle lights

Wrestling with my privilege

Getting in the water instead of watching from the sand

Sundays as a family worshipping from our couch

One of our children’s unique learning challenges

Sitting with a friend through a heartbreaking loss

Countless sunrises over the water

The windy shores of Lake George

The need to be on my knees

Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash